Remnant Rendezvous

the mission

Remnant Rendezvous is an independent ministry born out of a realization that the prophecies of the time of the end point a faithful few towards coming together regardless of their religious tradition. While the majority of the world descends into violence against others, and even creation itself experiences one catastrophe after another, these faithful will gather to prepare for their rescue.

We started our YouTube channel in 2019 after discovering the amazingly detailed prophecies of Daniel 11, all but the end of which having been fulfilled. The channel is dedicated to encouraging the remnant to find truth where there is harmony in the Abrahamic scriptures and promote the oneness of the Creator, His law, and His message. This message has been brought by prophets and reformers down through the history, however, none brought the Word perfectly except Yeshua the Messiah, the Way. He is returning very soon to rescue his followers who also submit to the Creator and choose peace.

the book

Revelation’s second most common word is γῆ (ge), the root of the word geology. Many of the warnings coming soon are designed to turn humanity away from extinction. Just as the Creator preserved a remnant during the global flood—a geologic catastrophe; He will protect those who trust in Him through future geologic events. Asteroids are coming; earthquakes and volcanic activity will escalate rapidly. Finally, as life on earth becomes unsustainable, the Messiah will return to rescue the righteous.

Find out more and get your copy of today!

Revelation’s Geology: A Believing Geoscientist’s Investigation of Prophesied Catastrophe & Rescue

the logo

The Remnant Rendezvous logo is a seven-pointed star representing the seven days of creation, the seventh-day Shabbat, and the seven yearly moedim: appointed times with prophetic significance. The star also represents the seventh millennium which is soon to begin and during which the Creator ascends His throne. The white star represents purity and peace and is set on a red background representing sacrificial blood covering one’s mistakes and giving life. It is no coincidence that this star is also found on the flag of modern Jordan as ancient Edom, Moab, and Ammon are specifically mentioned in the Book of Daniel as being delivered at the time of the end. The seven-pointed star on Jordan’s flag represents an Arabic poetic prayer called Al-Fatihah, composed of seven verses that acknowledge the mercy of the Creator and plead for guidance along the Straight Path.

Remnant Rendezvous (white seven pointed star on red background)