A Believing Geoscientist’s Investigation of Prophesied Catastrophe & Rescue

By Ryan Thompson

The earth is about to experience geologic upheaval like never before: asteroid impacts, earthquakes, volcanos, & floods. The all-merciful Creator has given us prophetic warning signs that will soon be literally fulfilled. Did you know the second most common Greek noun in Revelation forms the root of the word geology? Prophecies throughout the Hebrew scriptures also describe geologic occurrences at the time of the end. Join in the investigation yourself to re-discover prophecies from this unique perspective! The rescue is coming… do you know the Rescuer?



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ISBN: 9781738498444

168 pages

“Ryan Thompson has authored a unique book that ties geologic catastrophes to biblical history and biblical prophecy. His background as an oil and gas geologist gives him special insight and perspective. His book explains why catastrophes are part of God’s plan and how they can serve as warnings for future events.”

Dr. Tim Clarey, Director of Research at the Institute for Creation Research

“He does a commendable job of explaining how, for example, some events described in the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls can be literal geological processes…. Overall, I recommend this book as a worthwhile presentation of a geological perspective on final events of earth history.”

Dr. Leonard Brand, Professor of Paleontology at Loma Linda University

This book is not flaky or fanciful but asking honest questions about how Biblical prophecy might become reality. The author’s background as a geologist and his balanced approach to the subject really helped me to engage with what is a very difficult subject. Bringing this real world experience to the prophecies in Revelation made me see them in a whole new light. Fascinating!

Piers Arthur-Crow, Bible Teacher at The David House

Thought-provoking! ~VK

Lots of fresh revelation! ~PAC

about the author

Ryan Thompson holds a Master of Science degree in Geoscience & worked for over a decade in the petroleum industry. After living in the holy land with his wife and two teenagers, they now live south of London where he teaches and writes. He is an avid student of the scriptures, finding and sharing parallels between these two passions.

Ryan is available to speak at any church, synagogue, or mosque; high school to university. He works independently of any religious or political organization for the sole purpose of bringing glory to the Creator and reminding people of His mercy.

Ryan Thompson Geologist Tel Mar Elias Jordan Trail

Table of Contents

  • The need to look at Revelation in a new, geologic way that does not lead to hatred between people but rather points to the mercy of the Creator.

    Chapter 1: The Mercy of Catastrophe

    Why a merciful Creator will need to use geologic catastrophes as a warning to humanity to return to the only Sustainer of life.

  • Chapter 2: Parallels on Puzzle Pieces

    How parallel words and phrases from many verses of scripture may be used to assemble a beautiful picture of prophecy from subtle clues.

    Chapter 3: Geo-Eschatology

    A summary of my studies, showing my qualifications, and explaining geologic concepts used in the book.

    Chapter 4: Hearts Failing for Fear

    Introduces the hypothesis of celestial events that may be the main cause of many prophetic signs being fulfilled geologically.

  • Chapter 5: Less Oil a Catalyst for War

    The relationship between oil, the economy, and war put into historical context and the current state of world affairs is discussed.

    Chapter 6: Famine, Pestilence, & Persecution

    The chain reaction of disasters that follows war is the same sequence presented in the seals: war, famine, disease, & persecution.

    Chapter 7: Horsemen Reduce Overpopulation

    The extreme goals of some who support population reduction and those killed by horsemen.

  • Chapter 8: The Falling Star Given the Key

    The trumpets warn of celestial objects falling to earth; asteroids may also be the key to understanding further signs as well.

    Chapter 9: Extreme Global Warming

    How celestial events could cause global warming, changing weather patterns, and increasing earthquakes and volcanic activity.

    Chapter 10: Raash of Heaven & Mot of Earth

    Hebrew words are investigated that may describe that the earth will slip into a new orbit.

    Chapter 11: Casting Mountains into the Sea

    Changing stresses within the earth’s crust could result in great earthquakes and mountains collapsing into the sea.

    Chapter 12: Aphelah & Araphel Darkness

    Hebrew words associated with plagues of darkness possibly describe volcanic ash resulting from increased volcanic activity.

    Chapter 13: The Tohu wa Bohu Abyss

    The reversal of creation and the earth’s eventual inability to sustain life just prior to the final rescue for Yeshua’s followers.

    Chapter 14: Shortening the Days

    An orbital shift required for 1260 days, 42 months and 3.5 years to be parallel prophetic time periods.

  • Chapter 15: Foreshadows of Prophecy

    Stories in scripture hinting at geologic events that may be repeated in those same lands in the future.

    Chapter 16: Swallowing Rising Floods

    Sea level rise and the flight of the righteous to the wilderness near the beginning of the final 3.5 years.

    Chapter 17: The Time of the End

    The relative timing of the events described in relation to each other and the time of the end.

    Chapter 18: Imagine…

    A short fictional recounting of the events described in the book through the eyes of one who is still living them.

  • This book is written for anyone to be able to understand and appreciate. Believers and non-believers alike will be encouraged to trust in the mercy, protection, and provision of the Creator who is presented as loving and ready to rescue. Readers will have their imaginations ignited to look at prophecy in a whole new, realistic way. They will be able to imagine catastrophic events happening around them and yet not fear because this book does not sensationalize these events. Those who are not satisfied with superficial explanations of prophecy will appreciate the deep dive this book takes into the descriptive wording used by the prophets.

  • There are a handful of believing geologists who study evidence for creation and a global flood—they deal with the past and none have seriously dealt with subtle geologic clues in prophecy of the future. There are skeptical scientists who attribute everything in scripture to natural phenomena and also laymen who propose quasi-scientific scenarios, sensationalizing terror.

    This book will be the first of its kind: a serious investigation by a qualified geoscientist, not at the past, but at how predicted events may literally be fulfilled from a balanced, belief-based approach. The power of the Creator over nature will be highlighted throughout, and ultimately, His mercy is shown in sending the Messiah to rescue his followers from certain catastrophe.

  • I choose a career in geology because I was passionate about the creation-evolution debate. After studying it from both angles at university, I came away somewhat jaded, as there is already so much evidence for the Creator. I’ve learned the issue is a heart issue, not an evidence issue. I wanted to contribute something unique, that would both grab attention, as well as paint a picture of a merciful Creator that would reach the hearts of non-believers and encourage those who already believe. My experience in the petroleum industry and speciality in evaluating stresses within the earth’s crust responsible for earthquakes has given me unique insights to share.