Collapsing Mountains

During Noah’s flood, catastrophic tectonic forces caused whole mountain chains to rise, as elsewhere the crust split to form ocean basins, allowing dry land to once again appear as the waters drained into them from the continents. The size and magnitude of faults and earthquakes which built the earth’s mountains is astounding. The scale of earthquakes thus created would be greater than anything ever felt on the Richter scale. The ark, a refuge above the waves, would have been oblivious to this shaking.

In prophecy, many verses speak of the collapse of mountains or the shaking of the earth. Yeshua stated that, “if you have faith and do not doubt, …if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed, and cast into the sea,’ it will be done” (Matthew 21:21). He is putting a truly awesome amount of power and authority into the words of his followers. The same faults that carried the mountains aloft during the flood would likely be the same lines of weakness upon which they slip back into the sea at the end. The scale of such catastrophic shaking as these mountains collapsed would be truly apocalyptic! As a believing geoscientist, I investigate these prophecies and many others in my new book: Revelation’s Geology. What causes these signs and what is their effect? Will some mountains be removed by the word of a believer who has faith the size of a “mustard seed” (Matthew 17:20)?

The non-believers will be commanding the mountains to move; to fall and hide them “from the face of Him who sits on the throne” (Revelation 6:16). Just maybe, they got the idea that they could speak to the mountains in this way because they previously witnessed the power in the words of believers to command these forces of nature. And here is found a choice: we can believe and use the power of our words given to us by our Messiah, or run to those collapsing mountains to hide in fear, choosing death rather than life. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). The time of the end is coming soon, amidst tremendous geologic catastrophe, just as in the days of Noah. However, there is hope of rescue and a place of refuge. How many will know Yeshua their rescuer?